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AOM Careers (CAR) Division - Call for Professional Development Workshop (PDW) Proposals

  • 1.  AOM Careers (CAR) Division - Call for Professional Development Workshop (PDW) Proposals

    Posted 11-26-2024 16:19

    *Apologies for cross posting*

    AOM Careers (CAR) Division Call for Professional Development Workshop (PDW) Proposals

    The Careers Division welcomes PDW proposals for the 85th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2025) which will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark!

    The Careers Division has a strong track record of innovative, research-oriented, provocative, and inspiring PDWs and we would like to continue this trend for the upcoming 2025 AOM meeting in Copenhagen. To achieve this goal, we encourage you to submit proposals for PDW sessions. The PDW program for 2025 will take place on Friday, July 25 through Sunday, July 27, 2025.

    Aim. The aim of CAR PDW sessions is to engage with each other in professional development with a primary focus on sharing careers expertise and insights. Successful PDWs are typically interactive, innovative, and timely, covering topics and approaches that offer new insights on a wide variety of topics related to the study of careers. These sessions often inspire us to consider enhancements to our ways of thinking, doing, and being, whether in regard to research, teaching, or practice. PDWs may also support AOM members, both within and outside the Division, in developing their own careers, whether in traditional academic or alternative paths. 

    Topics. Suggested topics for CAR PDW sessions include but are not limited to: Enhancing careers-related scholarship, teaching, and practice; increasing the impact of careers research, broadly defined; supporting the career development of AOM members; incorporating innovative methods in careers research; and exploring strategies for interdisciplinary study of topics related to careers (including with other AOM divisions). PDWs can also focus on a specific theme, and we encourage timely topics such as for example the future of work, sustainable careers, meaningful work and purpose, and career transitions.

    Format. The format for PDW sessions is highly flexible. Examples from recent years include paper development workshops, panel debates, round table discussions, statistical analysis tutorials, networking events, or discussions of innovative career-related research fields. However, these are just examples, and we encourage novelty and creativity in designing an impactful session. These workshops lend themselves well to innovation and experimentation and as such, we welcome new ideas and formats that support the active engagement in the learning process of participants. Please see AOM's PDW guidelines for further details. 

    Submission. All proposals should be submitted using the online Submission Center, which opens in early December 2024. The deadline for submission is Tuesday, 7 January 2025 at 17:00 ET (UTC-5/GMT-5). Proposals require a statement that all named participants have consented to participate in the PDW. AOM's "Rule of Three" for the PDW program is that "no one may submit or be associated with more than three PDW submissions or appear in more than three PDW sessions during the conference."  Please see also here for the full call for submissions: https://aom.org/events/annual-meeting/submitting/calls-for-submissions/call-for-submissions-car-pdw

    We look forward to receiving your proposals! If you have any questions or want to discuss potential workshop ideas, please contact the CAR Division PDW chair, janine.bosak@dcu.ie

    Janine Bosak
    Dublin City University