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Call for Abstracts: AOM Symposium on Work Orientations

  • 1.  Call for Abstracts: AOM Symposium on Work Orientations

    Posted 11-25-2024 08:05
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    Dear Colleagues,

    I am organizing a presenter symposium on Work Orientations, which will be submitted to the 85th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Copenhagen, Denmark (July 25-29, 2025). I invite you to submit a paper to the symposium.

    'Work orientations' refers to the meanings individuals attribute to their work. Building on this concept, Bellah et al. (1985) introduced a model that distinguishes between three orientations toward work: Job, Calling, and Career. For individuals with a 'job' orientation, work is primarily a means of earning a living. In contrast, those with a 'calling' orientation find deep personal meaning in their work, often beyond its material benefits. Finally, individuals with a 'career' orientation derive the meaning of work from their career progression and the associated benefits such as salary, prestige, and social status.

    Later on, Wrzesniewski et al. (1997) operationalized the model and introduced a questionnaire examining employee work orientations, which was translated into many languages and applied in numerous studies worldwide. These studies highlight the many contributions of the model, which concern, for example, the stability of the construct, its different nature compared to other meaning-of-work constructs, and the ability to generalize the categorization of work orientations.

    Recently, several seminal papers challenged the model by suggesting an extension from three to five work orientations (Wilner et al…), or by offering a new typology relating to the three work orientations (Scharbam …). In addition, as opposed to pure work orientations, the concept of multiple or hybrid work orientations was introduced (…).

    The proposed symposium will explore new developments in the model of work orientations. More specifically, I am seeking emerging research on work orientations that reflect these developments.   

    If interested, please send an initial abstract to hayutay@gmail.com by December 1st.

    Important deadlines:

    • December 1st: Initial short Abstract
    • December 7th: Decision on Abstract.
    • December 21st: Extended Abstract (2-5 synopsis of the paper)
    • December 28th: Revised Detailed Abstract according to the feedback of the organizer
    • January 7th: Symposium submission by organizer
    • End of March: Notification of Acceptance of the Symposium by AOM
    • July 1st:  Paper submission for the Symposium Discussant/s to read before the conference.

    I am looking forward to receiving your abstracts.

    Best regards,

    Hayuta Yinon

    Oranim College of Education


    Hayuta Yinon
    Oranim College of Education