***Apologies for cross-posting***
Dear colleagues,
We invite paper submissions to the upcoming Management Learning Special Issue. Submission window has now opened for papers.
Special Issue Topic: Learning to do careers differently: challenges, tensions, and possibilities
Deadline: October 2, 2024
Call for papers:
The aim of this Special Issue (SI) is to develop critical, empowering, inclusive, and creative approaches to career research, learning, and development. We invite papers that question career performativity, functionalism, managerialism, linearity, individualism and other career norms, and which propose alternatives. In line with the ethos of Management Learning, we invite contributions that explore careers through critical approaches to management learning and education. Authors could explore the enmeshment of learning, socialisation, and reflexivity (Maclean et al., 2012; Morillas and Romani, 2022) and collective learning (Hurd and Singh 2021) in career development in relation to practising and supporting alternative careers trajectories.
Further information: SI details on Learning to do careers differently: challenges, tensions, and possibilities
Guest editors:
Alexandra Bristow, Open University, UK, alexandra.bristow@open.ac.uk
Katharina Chudzikowski, University of Bath, UK, k.chudzikowski@bath.ac.uk
Nadia deGama, AFG College, University of Aberdeen, Qatar, nadia.degama@abdn.ac.uk
Axel Haunschild, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany, axel.haunschild@wa.uni-hannover.de
Olivier Ratle, University of the West of England, UK, olivier.ratle@uwe.ac.uk
Sarah Robinson, Rennes School of Business, France, sarah.robinson@rennes-sb.com
Angelika Schmidt, WU Vienna, Austria, angelika.schmidt@wu.ac.at
Please get in touch with one of the guest editors if you would like to discuss paper ideas.
All the best,
Katharina in behalf of the guest editor team
Dr Katharina Chudzikowski
Associate Professor
School of Management, University of Bath, BATH BA2 7AY