On behalf of @Janine Bosak and organizers: @Annabelle Hofer, @Sherry Sullivan, @Eric Michel, @Christina Li, and the Careers Division,
we would like to welcome all participants to this year's Meet the Editors' session. The panel discussion will clarify what journals to target and help career scholars navigate the review process.
Panelists include: @Jennifer Harrison (Career Development International: Editor-in-Chief), @Jonas Lang (Journal of Applied Psychology: Associate Editor), @Daniel Spurk (Journal of Vocational Behavior: Associate Editor) @Beatrice Van Der Heijden (European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology: Associate Editor), @Alexander Newman (Applied Psychology: An International Review: Co-Editor-in-Chief)
We hope to see you there!!
When: Saturday, August 10, 2024, 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM (CST, Chicago Time)
Where: Swissotel: Lucerne III
Feel free to add this workshop to your calendar on the AOM Live Program: https://cdmcd.co/LEJmzL