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REMINDER: Call for Mentees and Mentors: Careers Division Mentoring Programs

  • 1.  REMINDER: Call for Mentees and Mentors: Careers Division Mentoring Programs

    Posted 27 days ago

    Dear Colleagues,


    This is a reminder to sign up for the Careers Division's Junior Mentoring Program and/or the new Peer Mentoring Program.


    The Junior Mentoring Program connects mid-career/senior scholars with junior faculty (pre-tenure and no more than 8 years post-PhD). Two mentors will be matched with four junior faculty to meet four times during the year (February–December 2025). With clear objectives, a structured format, and a planned end date, the program provides early career members an opportunity to connect with and learn from established scholars.


    The Peer Mentoring Program is designed for mid-career and senior scholars. Groups of four tenured faculty (associate or full professors) will be matched and meet four times during the year (February–December 2025). Meeting objectives will be collaboratively determined, offering a platform to discuss topics and challenges relevant to this career stage, with support from peers who share similar experiences and perspectives.


    Both mentoring programs seek to facilitate relational mentoring and career conversations between scholars with a shared interest in careers research. Our aspiration is to build and continue a tradition of mentoring and dialogue on careers (both research and managing your own career). 


    Please sign up by January 26th, 2025, using the links below:


    Junior Faculty Mentee (pre-tenure and no more than 8 years post-PhD): https://forms.gle/wGhTCvgxAqvir6599


    Junior Faculty Mentor (tenured associate or full professor with a recent publication record in Management journals): https://forms.gle/CU8JYpSgmGuopMrN6


    Peer Mentoring (tenured associate or full professor): https://forms.gle/9sXHxHMRHcrtTnxr6


    We look forward to your participation!   


    Best wishes,


    Katja Dlouhy, Becky Paluch, Roosmarij Clercx, Melika Shirmohammadi, and Didem Taser-Erdogan


    Careers Division Professional Development Committee

    Academy of Management