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Request for Unpublished Studies Examining Gender Similarity in Dyadic Relationships

  • 1.  Request for Unpublished Studies Examining Gender Similarity in Dyadic Relationships

    Posted 06-05-2024 10:00

    Dear colleagues,

    My coauthors and I are currently conducting a meta-analysis on the implications of gender similarity in dyadic relationships. To this end, we are looking for unpublished studies that assessed at least one indicator of gender similarity within an on-going dyadic relationship (such as leader-member or mentoring) and one relational [i.e., perceived similarity, relationship quality (e.g., LMX, relationship satisfaction), perceived support] or work-related variable (i.e., work attitudes, task performance).

    If you have relevant research that is unpublished or that might be difficult to identify, we would greatly appreciate if you could send us the information described below to: Caitlin.porter@memphis.edu


    Information Requested:

             Sample characteristics (N for supervisor/mentor and N for subordinate/protege, occupations)

             Proportion (%) women in subordinate/protégé sample

             Type of dyadic relationship (supervisor subordinate, mentoring)


             Number of measurement points and the time lag between them

             What scales were used and their Cronbach's alphas

             Effect sizes - either correlations between gender similarity and outcome, or M and SD of outcome for each type of dyad (i.e., M/M, F/F, M/F, F/M)

             How you would like us to reference your work (i.e., citation)


    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you in advance for your assistance.



    Caitlin Porter, Casssondra Batz-Barbarich, Nicole Alonso, and Feigu Zhou

    Caitlin Porter
    Associate Professor
    University of Memphis