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September Issue of the Journal of Applied Psychology

  • 1.  September Issue of the Journal of Applied Psychology

    Posted 10-08-2024 18:16

    Journal of Applied Psychology - Vol. 109, Issue 9 TOC

    Apologies for cross-postings. We are pleased to share with you all the ninth issue of 2024 at Journal of Applied Psychology. This issue includes 1 editor's choice feature article, 1 integrative conceptual review, 5 feature articles, and 1 research report. Below, you will find titles, author information, DOI links, and keywords of this issue.

    Editor's Choice Feature Article

    Stereotype Lift and Stereotype Threat Effects on Subgroup Mean Differences for Cognitive Tests: A Meta-Analysis of Adult Samples

    Reed Priest, Annie Griebie, You Zhou, Dana Tomeh, and Paul R. Sackett


    Keywords: stereotype lift, stereotype threat, cognitive ability

    Integrative Conceptual Review

    Toxic Work Climates: An Integrative Review and Development of a New Construct and Theoretical Framework

    Manuela Priesemuth and Marshall Schminke


    Keywords: toxic work climates, toxic work environments, toxic culture, hostile climates, work climates

    Feature Articles

    Perceived Personal and Contextual Impunity: Conceptualization, Antecedents, and Implications for Workplace Misconduct

    Min Young Lee, Katie L. Badura, Bradford Baker, and Elad N. Sherf


    Keywords: workplace misconduct, impunity perceptions, scale development

    A Regulatory Focus Theory Perspective on the Dynamics Between Action and Power

    Shereen Fatimah, Hun Whee Lee, D. Lance Ferris, and Henry R. Young


    Keywords: psychological power, promotive voice, prohibitive voice, regulatory focus theory

    Does Voice Endorsement by Supervisors Enhance or Constrain Voicer's Personal Initiative? Countervailing Effects via Feeling Pride and Feeling Envied

    Mingyun Huai, Xueqi Wen, Zihan Liu, Xingyu Wang, Wen-Dong Li, and Mo Wang


    Keywords: voice endorsement, feeling pride, feeling envied, personal initiative, coworker support

    Subordinate-to-Supervisor Relational Identification: A Meta-Analytic Review

    Yufei Zhong, David M. Sluss, and Katie L. Badura


    Keywords: meta-analysis, relational identification, nomological network, work relationships

    The Benefits of Reflecting on Gratitude Received at Home for Leaders at Work: Insights From Three Field Experiments

    Jia (Jasmine) Hu, Daniel Kim, and Klodiana Lanaj


    Keywords: gratitude intervention, prosocial impact, need fulfillment, leader helping, empowering leadership

    Research Report

    Personality and Leadership: Meta-Analytic Review of Cross-Cultural Moderation, Behavioral Mediation, and Honesty-Humility

    Anoop A. Javalagi, Daniel A. Newman, and Mengtong Li


    Keywords: leadership, personality, collectivism, HEXACO, Big Five

    Lillian Eby
    The Univ of Georgia
    Athens GA