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Theorizing about career shocks: seeking abstracts for AOM symposium

  • 1.  Theorizing about career shocks: seeking abstracts for AOM symposium

    Posted 11-25-2024 08:05

    Dear colleagues,

    We are preparing a symposium for the upcoming AOM conference in Copenhagen aiming to advance theorizing on career shocks. The symposium aims to include papers that seek to contribute to novel theoretical ideas or empirical tests that can help develop a more fine-grained theoretical understanding of career shocks. If you are interested in contributing to this sympsium, please contact me via j.akkermans@vu.nl.

    Note that we cannot guarantee inclusion, as we have limited available space. Thus, if we receive many abstract, we may have to be selective.

    Thank you in advance and we look forward to seeing your contributions!

    Best wishes,

    Jos Akkermans
    Full Professor
    Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam