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HRM Special Issue on Quiet Quitting -- Deadline Extended to 5/31

  • 1.  HRM Special Issue on Quiet Quitting -- Deadline Extended to 5/31

    Posted 03-25-2024 11:32

    Quiet quitting; bare minimum Mondays; laying flat; boreout; act your wage. Whatever you call it, it's all over the news and social media. Capitalizing on this momentum, Human Resource Management will be publishing a Special Issue on "the disquiet of quiet quitting." Due to several requests, the submission window been extended. Authors can submit their papers between April 1st and May 31st, 2024, to Human Resource Management via the online submission system.

    To see the formal call for papers for the SI, please click here: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__onlinelibrary.wiley.com_pb-2Dassets_assets_1099050X_HRM-2DCFP-2DQuiet-2DQuitting-2D1710894341473.pdf&d=DwMGaQ&c=dTXc8cCP8suVpClwB1HRHQACHN4UFMgL7MtSjCbKyts&r=3jyyDgKGZtFXRhEen7emVgwG1XxO3jrKMcSOLIrK4_XD3pM6Jvskshha7QU27OCU&m=eDoycexSZfHx1eIPJuDnOAk8-YQzjbVWR9nTmF7Rjr-6-3kVhP44oFcEa5gfvN5h&s=cQRpnl0dVTCAlzQTMQJ7CQlKJZOfaGH8ajxquSXD1Ac&e=. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-linkindex="0" data-ogsc="">https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/pb-assets/assets/1099050X/HRM-CFP-Quiet-Quitting-1710894341473.pdf

    Questions on the SI can be sent to quietquittingSI@gmail.com or by reaching out to Professor John Delery at jdelery@walton.uark.edu using 'Quiet Quitting HRM Special Issue' as the email title. 

    The Special Issue Guest Editors:

    John E. Delery, University of Arkansas, jdelery@walton.uark.edu 

    Solon Magrizos, University of Birmingham, s.magrizos@bham.ac.uk 

    Dorothea Roumpi, Pennsylvania State University, dzr352@psu.edu 

    Lauren Aydinliyim, Baruch College, CUNY, lauren.aydinliyim@baruch.cuny.edu 

    Jean Phillips, Pennsylvania State University, jean.phillips@psu.edu

    Caitlin Porter, University of Memphis, Caitlin.Porter@memphis.edu  

    Caitlin Porter
    Associate Professor, University of Memphis
    Associate Editor, Human Resource Management