On behalf of AOM's career division and AOM career ambassadors, we invite you to the second webinar of the 'Career in the World' series, which presents career researchers and their work from around the world.
Our next webinar focuses on
career research in Asia:
"Careers and Economic Transformation in Singapore: Insights for Careers Researchers"
March 30, 2022 - 10pm PST, 10am GST, 2pm SST, 5pm AEDTSingapore is a city-state where career systems are shaped by local policy and disruptions in the global economy. It is this context that informed the development of the Entrepreneurship-Professionalism-Leadership framework for careers research (Chan et al., 2012; Ho et al., 2020) over the last decade. Acknowledging the importance of societal context for careers also contributed to our more recent work, a Human Relations special issue on 'Careers in Cities' (Tams et al., 2021).
This talk will highlight how the local labor/ employment, industrial and societal/city context matters for individual careers beyond the agentic, psychological approach. A highly planned and dynamic city/state-level context (e.g., Singapore) demands a more interdisciplinary approach to careers where behavioral scientists and practitioners engage with policy makers to prepare and help workers cope with the future work environment.
The session will include a presentation, an open discussion, and an opportunity for participants to meet and connect on areas of shared research interests on careers.
- Chan Kim Yin – Associate Professor, Nanyang Business School
- Jeffrey Kennedy – Independent Researcher
- Ringo Ho – Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University
- Damien Joseph – Associate Professor, Nanyang Business School
- Jeffrey Yip – Assistant Professor, Simon Fraser University
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