Hughes Award

The Everett Cherrington Hughes Award for Careers Scholarship recognizes scholarship that has made a significant contribution to the task of linking careers theory with the broader field of organization studies.

It is the Careers Division’s premier award, a way of honoring those who have worked to build bridges between careers and other areas of organizational scholarship.

The aim of this award is to acknowledge the work of scholars who have forged, rather than severed, connections between careers and other fields of social inquiry. The award carries, with the permission of his family, the name of Everett Cherrington Hughes.

It does so to commemorate his seminal role in establishing careers as an object of scholarly study, but more particularly because it rewards the kind of contribution his work embodied.

The recipients of the award Edgar Schein, Tim Hall, Lotte Bailyn, Michael Arthur, Jeffrey Greenhaus, Barbara Lawrence, Kathy Kram, John Van Mannen, Denise Rousseau, and Stephen Barley.


Edgar Schein                               
(2000) Career Anchors


 Tim Hall



 Lotte Bailyn
(2003) Gender Equity and Work-Life Integration


 Michael Arthur

 (2006) Boundaryless Careers


 Jeffrey Greenhaus



 Barbara Lawrence




 Kathy Kram

Developmental Relationships



 John van Maanen



  Denise Rousseau

 (2016) Idiosyncratic Deals
Psychological Contract and I-deals

Hughes Award Speech

 Stephen Barley


Yehuda Baruch               
