2022 Careers Winners

Award Information

CAR Award Winners - 2022

Harvard Business School
She studies the intersection of work and careers and work as a "calling."
Award Information

Zhongda Wu and Chang-qin Lu winners of 2022 BEST OVERALL PAPER AWARD
Peking University - School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences
Peking University - Department of Psychology
Zhongda studies sustainable careers, climate goals, and person centered approaches. Chan-qin researches job insecurity, work stress, and spill over across contexts.

Award Information

Scott Seibert, Jordan Nielsen, and Maria Kraimer winners of 2022 BEST PUBLISHED AWARD
Rutgers University - School of Management and Labor Relations
Purdue University - Krannert School of Management
Rutgers University - School of Management and Labor Relations
Scott researches in the areas of OB/HRM: psychology of entrepreneurship, employee motivation, leadership, and career processes and carer success. Jordan specializes in meaningful work and how individuals overcome barriers that threaten meaning of their work. Maria and her expertise centers on employee-employer relationships, predictors of career success, and global work.
 Award Information

Seibert, S. E., Nielsen, J. D., & Kraimer, M. L. (2021). Awakening the entrepreneur within: Entrepreneurial identity aspiration and the role of displacing work events. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(8): 1224–1238. https://doi.org/10.1037/apl0000823

Jon Briscoe and colleagues winners of 2022 BEST PUBLISHED AWARD FINALIST 
Northern Illinois University - Management Department, USA
University of Ljubljana - School of Economics and Business, Slovenia
KU Leuven, Belgium
BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
Ascend Talent Strategies, USA
Jon researches career management concepts and cross-cultural differences around careers. He also studies values in organizations, leadership development, and leadership.

Award Information

Jon P. Briscoe, Robert Kaše, Nicky Dries, Anders Dysvik, Julie A. Unite, Ifedapo Adeleye, Maike Andresen, Eleni Apospori, Olusegun Babalola, Silvia Bagdadli, K. Övgü Çakmak-Otluoglu, Tania Casado, Jean-Luc Cerdin, Jong-Seok Cha, Katharina Chudzikowski, Silvia Dello Russo, Petra Eggenhofer-Rehart, Zhangfeng Fei, Martina Gianecchini, Martin Gubler, Douglas T. Hall, Ruth Imose, Ida Rosnita Ismail, Svetlana Khapova, Najung Kim, Philip Lehmann, Evgenia Lysova, Sergio Madero, Debbie Mandel, Wolfgang Mayrhofer, Biljana Bogicevic Milikic, Sushanta Mishra, Chikae Naito, Ana D. Nikodijević, Astrid Reichel, Noreen Saher, Richa Saxena, Nanni Schleicher, Florian Schramm, Yan Shen, Adam Smale, Vivien Supangco, Pamela Suzanne, Mami Taniguchi, Marijke Verbruggen, Jelena Zikic. (2021). Here, there, & everywhere: Development and validation of a cross-culturally representative measure of subjective career success. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 130: 103612. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvb.2021.103612

Irina Gloaba and Noémi Nagy winners of MICHAEL DRIVER 2022 BEST SYMPOSIUM AWARD

Kean University, NYU - Stern
University of South Florida - Leadership, Policy, and Lifelong Learning
Irina researches equity in action and across careers. Noémi studies diversity and inclusion to help employees thrive.

Award Information

Alex Newman winner of 2022 MID-CAREER AWARD
Deakin Business School
Alex's research involves positive psychology, leadership, refugee employment around careers. 

Award Information

Kristen Shockley winner of 2022 MID-CAREER AWARD FINALIST
University of Georgia - Department of Psychology (Industrial-Organizational Program)
Kristen's research advances knowledge about integrating work and family roles across careers and improving within-individual thriving at work.