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Deadline approaching! The Everett Cherrington Hughes Award for Careers Scholarship Call for Nominations

  • 1.  Deadline approaching! The Everett Cherrington Hughes Award for Careers Scholarship Call for Nominations

    Posted 04-15-2021 11:03
    Call for Nominations:
    The Everett Cherrington Hughes Award for Careers Scholarship
    Deadline: April 30, 2021

    The Hughes award recognizes scholarship that has made a significant contribution to the task of linking careers research with the broader field of organization studies.


    It is the Careers Division's premier award, a way of honoring those who have worked to build bridges between careers and other areas of organizational inquiry. There is no requirement, express or implied, that the recipient of the award be a current or former member of the Careers Division, or of the Academy.  This award acknowledges scholars whose work has forged connections between careers and other fields of social inquiry. The award carries, with the permission of his family, the name of Everett Cherrington Hughes. It does so to commemorate his influential role in establishing careers as an object of scholarly study, but more particularly because it rewards the kind of contribution his work embodied. Past recipients of the award are Edgar Schein, Tim Hall, Lotte Bailyn, Michael Arthur, Jeffrey Greenhaus, Barbara Lawrence, Kathy Kram, John van Maanen, and Denise Rousseau.


    Nominators should submit all materials together in a single email directly to committee chair Maury Peiperl (mpeiperl@gmu.edu) by April 30, 2021. In order to be considered, nomination materials must include (1) a letter of support from primary nominator, (2) a copy of the nominee's curriculum vita, and (3) at least one additional letter of support. Letters of support should clearly detail how the nominee meets the requirements of this award. 


    Thank you in advance for your participation in this important process. Please email Maury Peiperl with any questions. 



    Maury Peiperl, Chair

    Wolfgang Mayrhofer, CAR Division Member

    Michel Anteby, External Member


    All the best,


    Gina Dokko

    Careers Division Chair, 2021

    Gina Dokko
    UC Davis
    Davis CA