On August 7, 2017, at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Denise Rousseau (Carnegie Mellon U.) delivered the Everett Cherrington Hughes Award speech. The Hughes Award for Careers Scholarship recognizes work that has made a significant contribution to the task of linking careers theory with the broader field of organization studies. It is the Career Division's premier award, a way of honoring those who have worked to build bridges between careers and other areas of organizational enquiry.
ABOUT US The Careers Division of the Academy of Management addresses people's lifelong succession of work experiences, the structure of opportunity to work, and the relationship between careers and other aspects of life. Major topics include individual career development; career management strategies; career planning; relationships between human resource systems and careers; life cycle interactions with work; race, culture, and gender effects on careers; labor force diversity; internal labor market structures and functions; cross-cultural careers; and effects of demographic and social changes on work.
WEBSITE https://car.aom.org