Hello everyone,
For those of you unable to attend our live AOM Careers Division Awards Ceremony, this message is another way for you to find out about nominees and winners.
Arnon Reichers Best Student Paper Award
Out of all submitted student papers to the Careers Division for the Annual Meeting, Denise Jepsen, our Program Chair for 2021-22, determined the three most highly rated student paper submissions based on reviewer scores. These three then became our nominees:
"Changing Careers to Pursue a Calling: How People Make Career Pivots"; Author: Hannah Weisman, Harvard Business School, USA (Session #1239 Meaningfulness and Calling)
"Patching Meaningfulness: How Early Career Scholars Construct Meaning in a Pluralistic Work Context"; Authors: Johanne R. Duesterbeck and Stefanie Habersang, both from Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany (Session #1327 Meaningfulness and Stigma)
"Career Agency in Intersecting Gender-Class Structures"; Author: Lea K. Reiss, WU Vienna, Austria (Session #1647 Career Agency, Identity and Social Class Factors)
Then, a committee of four careers division stand-outs, Beatrice van der Heijden (chair), Eric Adom Asante, Kira Choi, and Robert Kase, reviewed and ranked these student papers based on a predefined set of criteria including, among others, novelty, rigor, and contributions to the field.
And, the winner the committee chose was:
"Changing Careers to Pursue a Calling: How People Make Career Pivots"; Author: Hannah Weisman, Harvard Business School, USA (Session #1239 Meaningfulness and Calling)
Kudos to the committee and big congratulations again to Hannah, this year's Arnon Reichers Best Student Paper Award winner, who receives a plaque, and, of course, congratulations to the other nominees, who receive finalist certificates.
Please join me again in congratulating the nominees and the winners. Feel free to add your comments below. And, if you are interested in learning more about these papers and other related papers, please access these sessions via the AOM Annual Meeting website (https://aom.org/events/annual-meeting).
Also, in the weeks ahead, please be on the lookout for interviews with award winners. We look forward to your Careers Division student paper submissions for next year's meeting as well.
All the best,
Richard Cotton
Associate Professor
University of Victoria
Victoria BC
(250) 721-8052