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2022 Careers Division Best Overall Paper Award Follow-up

  • 1.  2022 Careers Division Best Overall Paper Award Follow-up

    Posted 09-09-2022 13:01
    Edited by Rick Cotton 09-09-2022 14:21

    For those of you who weren't able to attend our live AOM Careers Division Awards Ceremony, this message is another way for you to find out about the nominees and winners.

    Best Overall Paper Award

    From all of the self-nominated papers to the Careers Division for the Annual Meeting, Denise Jepsen, our Program Chair for 2021-22, determined the three most highly rated paper submissions based on reviewer scores.  These three then became our nominees:

    "How Does a Career Decision Become a Career Regret? A Qualitative Exploration"; Authors: Claire Schulze Schleithoff, Evgenia Lysova, Svetlana Khapova from Vrije University, Amsterdam, School of Business and Economics, Netherlands & Konstantin Korotov, European School of Management and Technology Berlin, Germany (Session #1326 Emerging Career Theory)

    "Organizations at Crossroads: The Case of Multiple Job Holding Arrangements"; Authors: Chayanika Bhayana & Neharika Vohra, from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India (Session #1885 Multiple Jobholding, Job Crafting)

    "The Dynamics of Career Sustainability: A Latent Transition Analysis"; Authors: Zhongda Wu & Changqin Lu from Peking University, School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, People's Republic of China (Session #1767 Innovative Career Research Methods)


    Then, a committee of four careers division scholars, Jen Tosti-Kharas (chair), Erin Makarius, Yan Shen, and Adam Smale, reviewed and ranked these papers based on a predefined set of criteria including, among others, novelty, rigor, and contributions to the field.

    And, the winner the committee chose was:

    "The Dynamics of Career Sustainability: A Latent Transition Analysis"; Authors: Zhongda Wu & Changqin Lu from Peking University, School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, People's Republic of China (Session #1767 Innovative Career Research Methods)


    Thanks again to the committee and three cheers to Zhongda Wu & Changqin Lu, this year's Careers Division Best Overall Paper Award winners, who receive plaques, and, of course, congratulations to the other nominees, who receive finalist certificates.

    Please join me again in congratulating the nominees and the winners. Feel free to add your comments below. And, if you are interested in learning more about these papers and other related papers, please access these sessions via the AOM Annual Meeting website (https://aom.org/events/annual-meeting).

    Also, in the weeks ahead, please be on the lookout for interviews with award winners.  We look forward to your Careers Division paper submissions for next year's meeting as well.

    All the best,


    Richard Cotton
    Associate Professor
    University of Victoria
    Victoria BC
    (250) 721-8052