For those of you who were unable to make it to our live AOM Careers Division Awards Ceremony, this message is another way for you to find out about the nominees and winners.
Michael Driver Best Symposium Award
Out of all submitted symposia to the Careers Division for the Annual Meeting, Denise Jepsen, our Program Chair for 2021-22, determined the three most highly rated symposia submissions based on reviewer scores. These three symposia then became our nominees:
"Moving to the Next Stage: Clarifying Constructs and Integrating Theory in Identity Research"; Organizers: Elise B. Jones, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, USA, and Mailys George, IESE Business School, Spain
"Creating a Better World for Older and Younger Workers in the Multigenerational Workforce"; Organizers: Irina Gioaba, New York University, USA, and Noemi Nagy, University of South Florida, USA
"An Occupational Lens on Social Inequality"; Organizer: Andrea Wessendorf, University of Edinburgh Business School, Scotland
Then, a committee of four careers division scholars, Ariane Froidevaux (chair), Nikos Bozionelos, Silvia Dello Russo, and Annabelle Hofer, reviewed and ranked these symposia proposals based on six criteria: (1) novel ideas and contribution, (2) innovative data/methods/analyses, (3) inspiration to future research, (4) practical implications, (5) fit with the Careers Division, and (6) coherence of the studies in the symposium.
And, the winner the committee chose was:
"Creating a Better World for Older and Younger Workers in the Multigenerational Workforce"; Organizers: Irina Gioaba, New York University, USA, and Noemi Nagy, University of South Florida, USA
A big thanks to the committee and big congratulations again to Irina and Noemi, this year's Michael Driver Best Symposium Award Winners, who receive plaques, and, of course, congratulations to the other nominees, who receive finalist certificates.
Please join me again in congratulating the nominees and the winners. Feel free to add your comments below.
Also, in the weeks ahead, please be on the lookout for interviews with award winners. We look forward to your Careers Division Symposia proposals for next year's meeting as well.
All the best,
Rick Cotton
Associate Professor
University of Victoria
Victoria BC
(250) 721-8052