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Diversity Research Publishing Workshop at 2024 AOM Conference

  • 1.  Diversity Research Publishing Workshop at 2024 AOM Conference

    Posted 04-14-2024 20:54

    Diversity Research Publishing Workshop

    2024 Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago

    Saturday, August 10, 2024, 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM (tentative)  


    Manuscript submission deadline: June 14th, 2024 

    Struggling with a manuscript?  This workshop is for you!  Back by popular demand, the Diversity Research Publishing Workshop helps authors solve their dilemmas and get their papers published!  This half-day workshop pairs authors with leading scholars/editors/reviewers in the field of workplace diversity.  You'll get valuable feedback on your paper that will help you take it to the next level!   More information about this supportive and developmental workshop is provided below.

    PDW Organizer:

    ·      Raymond Trau, Macquarie University (raymond.trau@mq.edu.au )  

    PDW Chairs:

    ·      Robin Ely, Harvard University

    ·      Ashleigh Shelby Rosette, Duke University

    Deadline:  Deadline for registration and submission of manuscripts is June 14th, 2024. Please contact Raymond Trau at raymond.trau@mq.edu.au for registration and questions about manuscript submission.

    Objective of Workshop

    The goal of this PDW session is to advance the careers of junior faculty - especially those in under-represented groups - by helping them publish diversity research in top-tier academic journals. This workshop will offer participants a chance to have their work reviewed by leading scholars in the field.  These scholars have served as editors, associate editors and editorial board members of leading journals, such as ASQ, AMJ, AMR, Organization Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Management Studies, OBHDP, Organization Studies, Human Relations, Human Resource Management, Group and Organization Management, JOOP, Gender Work and Organization, British Journal of Management and Organization.

    Reviewers include (listed alphabetically):

    ·      Modupe Akinola, Columbia University 

    ·      Derek R. Avery, University of Houston 

    ·      Jean M. Bartunek, Boston College 

    ·      Kris Byron, Georgia State University

    ·      Prithviraj Chattopadhyay, Cambridge Judge Business School 

    ·      Judith A Clair, Boston College 

    ·      Martin N. Davidson, University of Virginia, Darden School of Business 

    ·      Tracy Dumas, Ohio State University

    ·      Marta M Elvira, IESE Business School 

    ·      Katherine Klein, University of Pennsylvania 

    ·      Alison M. Konrad, Western University

    ·      Barbara S. Lawrence, University of California, Los Angeles 

    ·      Patrick F. McKay, East Carolina University

    ·      Tanya Menon, Ohio State University

    ·      Eddy S. Ng, Queen's U. 

    ·      Mustafa Ozbilgin, Brunel University 

    ·      Shaun Michael Pichler, California State University, Fullerton 

    ·      Corinne A. Post, Villanova University 

    ·      Alison Pullen, Macquarie University 

    ·      Erin Marie Reid, McMaster University 

    ·      Ann Marie Ryan, Michigan State University

    ·      Sabrina DeeAnn Volpone, University of Colorado, Boulder

    Manuscript Submission Process

    Due to the intense nature of the review process, a limited number of manuscripts will be selected for the workshop.  Manuscripts will be selected based on the following criteria: (1) they are within the content domain of DEI, (2) they are not currently under journal review, and (3) they are in near-final form for submission to a refereed journal. Although authors may submit more than one manuscript, only one per author will be selected for the workshop. We will give priority to junior faculty who are first authors of the manuscript, and they should also provide a focus for the review process by describing a particular dilemma, question, or concern they would like the reviewers to discuss, as well as the name of the targeted journal.

    This session is aimed at junior faculty, but doctoral students are encouraged to attend the session in order to learn about the review process. People can attend this session without having a manuscript under review, but all attendees need to register for the session and be willing to read the at least two manuscripts prior to the session. We have limited seats for participants who therefore will be selected on the basis of 'first-in first-served'. Early registration is encouraged!

    Junior faculty who wish to participate in this workshop must submit their manuscripts to Raymond Trau (raymond.trau@mq.edu.au) by June 14th, 2024 in order to provide adequate time for selecting manuscripts and the review process.

    Session Description

    Authors, discussants/reviewers and scribes (who write notes and report back to the large group on key insights) will be assigned to review tables based on either the topic or the targeted journal. All participants will be asked to read the manuscript(s) that will be discussed at their table before coming to the session in order to provide helpful feedback to the authors.  Each participant will have the opportunity to participate in two reviews over the course of the session.

    This session will also offer an important opportunity to discuss core principles and practices of publishing diversity research. Authors and other participants will gain important insights into the publication process and will be able to network with diversity scholars, review board members and journal editors.

    We hope you can join us for this day of development.  It is all about you!

    Contact Person

    Raymond Trau, PDW Organizer, Macquarie University

    Email:  raymond.trau@mq.edu.au