Hi There, from the Careers Community,
One more friendly reminder about a call for nominations to celebrate and honor Everett Cherrington Hughes, with his family's permission, and his role in creating a foundation for Careers as a scholarly field of study. For this prestigious award, the committee will focus on scholars who have sustained lifelong career achievement, magnifying careers research and the careers division. Prior award winners include Ed Schein, Tim Hall, Lotte Bailyn, Michael Arthur, Jeffrey Greenhaus, Barbara Lawrence, Kathy Kram, John van Maanen, Denise Rousseau, and Steve Barley who are recognized and celebrated on our Careers Website - Current Hughes Award Winners.
This Careers-focused award is revamped to focus on recognizing scholars who have significantly impacted the field of careers.
Potential nominees must be current or retired/Emeritus members of the Careers Division and a member of at least one other Division or Interest Group. Nominations must also be other-initiated - no self-nominations. Those with 20+ years of post-PhD contributions likely have the level of enduring impact needed for this award.
Nomination materials should include:
1. A letter of support from the primary nominator including a brief narrative description of their main contributions. Support letters should also clearly detail the nominees' record of excellence in research (i.e., publications in top journal outlets, citation counts, and/or authored books) and stature of the nominee relative to other scholars in the careers field.
2. At least one additional letter of support.
3. A copy of the nominee's curriculum vita.
4. A copy of the nominee's Google Scholar profile of citation counts.
All nomination materials should be submitted in a single PDF document directly to the Chair of the Hughes Lifetime Careers Scholar Award Committee, Dr. Denise Rousseau - H.J. Heinz II University Professor of Organizational Behavior and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy and the Tepper School of Business. Please send nominations directly to Dr. Rousseau to denise@cmu.edu before April 30, 2024.
Thanks for your meaningful participation in this important process.
In Sincerity,
The Hughes Lifetime Careers Scholar Award Committee:
Denise Rousseau, Julia Richardson, Serge da Motta Veiga, Jos Akkermans