Journal of Applied Psychology - Vol. 107, Issue 12 TOC
Apologies for cross-postings. I am pleased to share with you all the twelfth issue of 2022 at Journal of Applied Psychology. This issue includes 1 editor's choice monograph, 7 feature articles, and 3 research reports. Below, you will find titles, author information, DOI links, and keywords of this issue.
Editor's Choice Monograph
Reconciling Female Agentic Advantage and Disadvantage With the CADDIS Measure of Agency
Anyi Ma, Ashleigh Shelby Rosette, and Christy Zhou Koval
Keywords: agency, gender, leadership, measure development
Feature Articles
A Meta-Analysis of Leadership and Workplace Safety: Examining Relative Importance, Contextual Contingencies, and Methodological Moderators
Zhanna Lyubykh, Nick Turner, M. Sandy Hershcovis, and Connie Deng
Keywords: accidents, injuries, leadership, meta-analysis, safety
Organizational-Level Perceived Support Enhances Organizational Profitability
Kyoung Yong Kim, Robert Eisenberger, Riki Takeuchi, and Kibok Baik
Keywords: perceived organizational support, workforce performance, voluntary turnover, firm profitability, slack resources
A Transactional Stress Theory of Global Work Demands: A Challenge, Hindrance, or Both?
Maria L. Kraimer, Margaret A. Shaffer, Mark C. Bolino, Steven D. Charlier, and Olivier Wurtz
Keywords: transactional stress theory, international travel, global work experienced, employee well-being
The Hidden Dark Side of Empowering Leadership: The Moderating Role of Hindrance Stressors in Explaining When Empowering Employees Can Promote Moral Disengagement and Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior
Tobias Dennerlein and Bradley L. Kirkman
Keywords: empowering leadership, unethical pro-organizational behavior, moral disengagement, hindrance stressors
The Leadership Arena–Reputation–Identity (LARI) Model: Distinguishing Shared and Unique Perspectives in Multisource Leadership Ratings
Jasmine Vergauwe, Joeri Hofmans, and Bart Wille
Keywords: multisource leadership ratings, 360-degree feedback, self– other agreement, unique leadership perceptions, bifactor modeling
How and When Managers Reward Employees' Voice: The Role of Proactivity Attributions
Hyunsun Park, Subrahmaniam Tangirala, Insiya Hussain, and Srinivas Ekkirala
Keywords: proactivity, leadership, employee voice, voice solicitation
From Inclusive Climate to Organizational Innovation: Examining Internal and External Enablers for Knowledge Management Capacity
Yixuan Li, Yiduo Shao, Mo Wang, Yanran Fang, Yaping Gong, and Chang Li
Keywords: inclusive climate, workplace demographic diversity, environmental scanning, knowledge management capacity, organizational innovation
Research Reports
Female CEOs and the Compensation of Other Top Managers
Cristian L. Dezső, Yixuan Li, and David Gaddis Ross
Keywords: gender, diversity, compensation, CEO, top management
Does Psychological Detachment Benefit Job Seekers? A Two Study Weekly Investigation
Rebecca L. MacGowan, Allison S. Gabriel, Serge P. da Motta Veiga, and Nitya Chawla
Keywords: recovery, self-regulation, job search, psychological detachment, weekly study
Familial Resemblance, Citizenship, and Counterproductive Work Behavior: A Combined Twin, Adoption, Parent–Offspring, and Spouse Approach
Elise L. Anderson, Matt McGue, Paul R. Sackett, and William G. Iacono
Keywords: heritability, counterproductive work behavior, organizational citizenship behavior, familial resemblance
Lillian Eby
The Univ of Georgia
Athens GA