Journal of Applied Psychology - Vol. 108, Issue 12 TOC
Apologies for cross-postings. I am pleased to share with you all the twelfth issue of 2023 at Journal of Applied Psychology. This issue includes 1 editor’s choice feature article, 3 feature articles, 2 integrative conceptual reviews, and 2 research reports. Below, you will find titles, author information, DOI links, and keywords of this issue.
Editor’s Choice Feature Article
Sensemaking Through the Storm: How Postpartum Depression Shapes Personal Work–Family Narratives
Allison S. Gabriel, Jamie J. Ladge, Laura M. Little, Rebecca L. MacGowan, and Elizabeth E. Stillwell
Keywords: work–family, sensemaking, identity, postpartum depression, maternal health
Feature Articles
Reducing Gender Bias in the Evaluation and Selection of Future Leaders: The Role of Decision-Makers’ Mindsets About the Universality of Leadership Potential
Zhi Liu, Aneeta Rattan, and Krishna Savani
Keywords: leadership, universal–nonuniversal, decision-makers’ mindsets, stereotypes, gender bias, selection decisions
When “Who I Am” Is Under Threat: Measures of Threat to Identity Value, Meanings, and Enactment
Mailys M. George, Karoline Strauss, Julija N. Mell, and Heather C. Vough
Keywords: measurement, scale, validity, identity threat
From Free Pastures to Penned in: The Within-Person Effects of Psychological Reactance on Side-Hustlers’ Hostility and Initiative in Full-Time Work
Hudson Sessions, Michael D. Baer, Jennifer D. Nahrgang, and Sophie Pychlau
Keywords: hostility, initiative, multiple jobholding, psychological reactance, job performance
Integrative Conceptual Reviews
Managing Unit Human Capital Resources: Integrating Insights From Human Resource Management and Unit Leadership Literatures
Peter T. Gallagher, Mikhail A. Wolfson, Greg Reilly, and John E. Mathieu
Keywords: emergence, leadership, human capital resources, human resource management, human resource management implementation
Integrating Organizational Climate Theory: A Domain-Independent Explanation for Climate Formation and Function
Jeremy M. Beus, Jacob H. Smith, and Erik C. Taylor
Keywords: uncertainty, sensemaking, theory, organizational climate, organizational culture
Research Reports
The Easy Addendum Effect: When Doing More Seems Less Effortful
Edward Yuhang Lai, Julio Sevilla, Mathew S. Isaac, and Rajesh Bagchi
Keywords: difficulty, effort, categorization, satisfaction, persistence
When Focus and Vision Become a Nightmare: Bottom-Line Mentality Climate, Shared Vision, and Unit Unethical Conduct
Christian J. Resick, Lorenzo Lucianetti, Mary B. Mawritz, Jae Young Choi, Stacy L. Boyer, and Lauren D’Innocenzo
Keywords: ethics, vision, bottom-line mentality, unethical behavior, work climate
Lillian Eby
The Univ of Georgia
Athens GA