Dear all,
The Careers Division is happy to announce this year's
"Careers in the Rough" Paper Development Workshop. This workshop allows participants to get feedback on and discuss their near final-form, career-related manuscript with eminent scholars in the Careers Division. Submissions can be send to
Janine Bosak ( with the subject "CAR Careers in the Rough" by
26th of June 2022. More information can be found in attachment.
We are extremely grateful to
this year's mentors: Jos Akkermans (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Maike Andresen (University of Bamberg), Yehuda Baruch (Southampton Business School, U.K), Gayle Baugh (University of West Florida), Gina Dokko (University of California, Davis), Danna Greenberg (Babson College), Nicky Dries (KU Leuven), Kimberly Eddleston (Northeastern University), Mel Fugate (Mississippi State University), Peter Heslin (UNSW, Australia), Andreas Hirschi (University of Bern), Jamie Ladge (Northeastern University), Wolfgang Mayrhofer (WU Vienna), Alexander Newman (Deakin University), Maury Peiperl (George Mason University School of Business), Astrid Reichel (University of Salzburg), Silvia dello Russo (Toulouse Business School), Bert Schreurs (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Sherry Sullivan (Bowling Green State University), Daniel Spurk (University of Bern), and Jelena Zikic (York University)! Many thanks for your commitment to this workshop!
Warm regards,
The CAR division Mentoring Team.
Marijke Verbruggen
KULeuven, Fac. of Business & Economic
00-32-16-32 68 69