Apologies for cross-posting.
I am delighted to share a link to a Post Doctoral Associate Position opening in Rutgers Center for Women in Business (CWIB) at Rutgers Business School, Newark, NJ
CWIB is looking for a recent Ph.D. recipient interested in a broad range of issues related to gender equity. CWIB's current research focus is (1) understanding the experiences of women of all intersecting identities in virtual and hybrid work environments (2) and studying the impact of male allyship in the workplace. Additionally, CWIB supports cutting-edge research focused on gender equity within the workplace.
Jeana Wirtenberg, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Professional Practice
Rutgers Business School - Newark and New Brunswick
Department of Management & Global Business
Associate Director, Corporate Social Innovation Education Rutgers Institute for Corporate Social Innovation 1 Washington Park - 10th Floor
Newark, New Jersey 07102
email: jwirtenberg@business.rutgers.edu
Office: 973-335-6299
Cell: 973-769-4217
Editor/author: The Sustainable Enterprise Fieldbook: Building New Bridges (Routledge, 2019) , & Living Fieldbook at www.TSEFB.com
Author, Building a Culture for Sustainability: People, Planet and Profits in a New Green Economy (Praeger, 2014)