Kia ora koutou | Greetings
Massey University invites applications for the position of Pro-Vice Chancellor (Dean), Massey Business School. Closing date is 21 January (Please be aware that NZ time is ahead of most countries). The attached link shows further details,CurBID,JobListID,jobsListKey,JobID&lid=27811730136&rmuh=09A07971D70AAF8BF37F83E3597D280CF38F8562
Ngā mihi | Kind regards
Associate Professor Kaye Thorn PhD Massey, MSc.(Res Mgt) Canterbury
Associate Head of School (Albany)
School of Management – Te Kāhui Kahurangi
Massey University Albany, Private Bag 102904, Auckland 0745, New Zealand
09 4140800 x 43395
Editorial Board, Journal of International Human Resource Management
Editorial Review Board, Journal of Global Mobility