Careers Division Dataset Registry

24 days ago

Welcome to the Careers Division Trial Data Registry

Copy this link to access the Google Docs file, share access may take a few hours: 

Important things to note about this file include:

  1. The shared Excel file lists details of data collected by Careers Division members who may be willing to share that data with other Division members. 
  2. The data itself is not available in this file, but meta information and contact details are provided. The actual data may be held in a data repository, with the scholar, or elsewhere.

Do you have data you might be willing to share with a Careers Division scholar? To contribute to the registry:

  1. Access the openly shared Excel file
  2. Do NOT download the file, rather add to the shared file online.
  3. Add the relevant information on your dataset into a new row.
  4. Give as much detail as possible to help future potential users work out if your data might be useful for them. 
  5. Click on the column heading for detailed instructions on what information to put in each column.
  6. Please don't edit other people's entries. 

Looking for a dataset? To access a dataset from the registry:

  1. Browse the Excel file for data or variables that may be of interest to you. Perhaps a dataset might usefully supplement an existing research program, or inspire a new line of enquiry.
  2. Contact the owner of the data. Tell them what you have in mind, how you might be able to use the data, ask questions about the dataset and the owner's intentions.
  3. Note, it is up to all parties to conduct usual research due diligence, negotiate and agree how to manage the actual sharing of data (if at all), analyses and processes, and authorships of any resultant publications including students or scholars who may have collected the original data. 

Governance and development

  1. This trial is an initiative of the Research Collaboration Committee of the Careers Division of the Academy of Management, June 2024. 
  2. The Careers Division has no responsibility beyond providing the opportunity for scholars to connect. 
  3. Please email us with your feedback on how we might be able to improve this service for our Careers Division members.
  4. For further information or to give feedback, contact:; or Denise Jepsen, Careers Division Chair at 


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1 Files
xlsx file
Careers Division Datasets Registry V04.xlsx   59 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 06-15-2024

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